Celebrate birthdays as a remote team

Although celebrating birthdays and anniversaries as a remote team can be challenging, Billy Birthday can help facilitate team cohesion by bringing employees together.
Join thousands of companies using Billy

Increase employee engagement and team cohesion

The best effort/impact ratio you can find to increase employee engagement and recognition is to automate birthday and anniversary celebrations. It is cross cultural, cross-religious, cross-generation, cross-timezone etc. And it makes people genuinely happy to receive some positive vibes during this special day.
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Distributed teams have never been closer

The way we work has changed. Working remotely and having a distributed team has a lot of advantages, but social events and celebrations need a little more help. We're here to fill the gap and build the Future of work together.
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Drive a culture of recognition

Encourage your team to send recognition messages to each other. Wishing birthdays is an enabler for sending good vibes.
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Bring some fun into everyday routine

The celebration messages from Billy really bring a fresh wave into every day work routine. We make sure to have the best copywriting to provide fun yet professional wishes.
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Birthday and work anniversary messages
Celebrate birthdays and work anniversaries of your coworkers.
Fun & Customizable Copywriting
Billy posts warm and fun messages. You can choose to include GIFs or to customize each celebration.
Opt-out option
Anyone can opt-out from birthdays or work anniversaries if they don't want to be celebrated.
Week-end management
When birthdays happen on week-ends, you can choose to delay the message on the next Monday or to celebrate on Friday.
 Add manual public holidays
List of upcoming events
See next events and search for anyone's birthday.
Auto-collection of dates
Billy can reach out to your colleagues to collect their birth dates.
Spreadsheet bulk import
You can import people's dates inside a spreadsheet that we provide.
Private channels
Billy can be added to any public or private channels.
Buddies reminders
Be notified in advance for birthdays and work anniversaries.

Ready to welcome Billy in your workspace?

Available on slackSlack and teams Microsoft Teams
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