Billy for HRs

Your employees deserve the best experience. Use Billy Birthday to increase employee engagement now. Building a great culture of recognition starts here.
Join thousands of companies using Billy
Your job is hard, remove birthday and anniversary celebrations from your everyday tasks.

Drive a culture of recognition

Encourage your team to send recognition messages to each other. Wishing birthdays is an enabler for sending good vibes.
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Distributed teams have never been closer

The way we work has changed. Working remotely and having a distributed team has a lot of advantages, but social events and celebrations need a little more help. We're here to fill the gap and build the Future of work together.
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Increase employee engagement and team cohesion

The best effort/impact ratio you can find to increase employee engagement and recognition is to automate birthday and anniversary celebrations. It is cross cultural, cross-religious, cross-generation, cross-timezone etc. And it makes people genuinely happy to receive some positive vibes during this special day.
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Bring some fun into everyday routine

The celebration messages from Billy really bring a fresh wave into every day work routine. We make sure to have the best copywriting to provide fun yet professional wishes.
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Ready to welcome Billy in your workspace?

Available on slackSlack and teams Microsoft Teams
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