27 fun facts for June, 24

Discover dozens of fun facts for this special day. Read the summary for a quick recap on what happened.
June 24th features an array of fun and interesting facts, such as International Fairy Day, the birth of Mick Fleetwood, and the first performance of Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream." From the discovery of the Galápagos Islands to the invention of the barometer, June 24th is filled with captivating moments that span across history, culture, and science.
27 Fun facts
  1. International Fairy Day (Worldwide): June 24th is International Fairy Day, a day to celebrate the magical and mystical world of fairies. This day encourages people to connect with nature, read fables or fairy tales, and commemorate these magical creatures.
  2. Saint John's Day (Europe, South America): June 24th marks Saint John's Day, a Christian holiday commemorating the birth of John the Baptist. The day is celebrated with traditional Midsummer festivities, including bonfires, dances, and feasts, in many European and South American countries.
  3. UFO Day (Argentina): On June 24th, Argentina celebrates UFO Day, or Día del OVNI, to mark the anniversary of the first sighting of a UFO in modern history. This sighting occurred in Argentina in 1947 and was reported by pilot Kenneth Arnold, leading to a surge of UFO sightings worldwide.
  4. Discovery of the planet Pluto’s fourth and fifth moon: On June 24th, 2011, NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope discovered the fourth and fifth moon of the planet Pluto, named Kerberos and Styx. These small moons, discovered by a team of scientists led by Mark Showalter, orbit the dwarf planet at irregular intervals.
  5. Invention of the Barometer: June 24th, 1643, marks the invention of the barometer, a device used to measure atmospheric pressure. Italian scientist Evangelista Torricelli invented the mercury barometer, which proved the existence of air pressure and laid the foundation for modern meteorology.
  6. John Cabot reaches North America: On June 24th, 1497, Italian navigator John Cabot reached present-day Newfoundland, Canada, while searching for a new route to Asia. He was the first European to explore the North American mainland since the Vikings in the 11th century.
  7. Galápagos Islands discovery: The Galápagos Islands, an archipelago known for its unique wildlife and the inspiration for Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection, were discovered on June 24th, 1535, by Fray Tomás de Berlanga, the Bishop of Panama.
  8. Mick Fleetwood’s birthday: On June 24th, 1947, Mick Fleetwood, the drummer and co-founder of the iconic rock band Fleetwood Mac, was born. Fleetwood Mac played a critical role in shaping the history of rock music and has sold over 120 million records worldwide.
  9. Dutch painter Gerrit van Honthorst’s birthday: Born on June 24, 1592, Gerrit van Honthorst was a prominent Dutch painter during the Dutch Golden Age. He is known for his mastery of chiaroscuro, the play of light and dark in his paintings, and his religious and mythological scenes.
  10. Brazil's Xingu National Park creation: On June 24th, 1961, Brazil established Xingu National Park, the first indigenous territory in Brazil. This park stretches over 2.6 million hectares and is home to 16 indigenous tribes, playing an essential role in the conservation of their culture and the Amazon rainforest.
  11. Formation of the United States’ Interstate Highway System: On June 24th, 1956, U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the Federal-Aid Highway Act, establishing the Interstate Highway System in the United States. This system stretches over 46,000 miles and plays a vital role in transportation and commerce in the country.
  12. Maine's Statehood: The U.S. state of Maine officially entered the Union as the 23rd state on June 24, 1820. Nicknamed the “Pine Tree State,” Maine is known for its stunning coastline, vast forests, and thriving lobster industry.
  13. Bombay Explosion of 1944: On June 24th, 1944, a freighter carrying ammunition, explosives, and crude oil exploded in Bombay, India. The explosion caused extensive damage to the surrounding area, with a death toll of 1,300 people and thousands more injured.
  14. The Luau (Hawaiian feast) record: On June 24th, 1961, the world's largest luau (a traditional Hawaiian feast) took place in Honolulu, Hawaii. The event was attended by over 10,000 people and included traditional Hawaiian cuisine, music, and dance.
  15. Maryland's state song adoption: Maryland adopted their state song, "Maryland, My Maryland," on June 24, 1939. However, this song, originally a poem by James Ryder Randall, is controversial due to its pro-Confederate lyrics and its reference to President Abraham Lincoln as a "tyrant" and "despot."
  16. Caymus Vineyards founding: On June 24th, 1972, Charles F. Wagner and his wife Lorna Belle Glos Wagner, founded Caymus Vineyards in Rutherford, California. The winery is best known for its outstanding Cabernet Sauvignon wines and is considered a leading California winery.
  17. International Widows' Day (Worldwide): June 24th is International Widows' Day, a day designated by the United Nations to raise awareness of the plight of widows around the world. The day highlights the importance of empowering widows and addressing the social, economic, and cultural barriers they face.
  18. First performance of Shakespeare's play "A Midsummer Night's Dream": William Shakespeare's classic comedy, "A Midsummer Night's Dream," was first performed on June 24th, 1590. The play, known for its magical themes and iconic characters, remains a popular choice for theatrical productions to this day.
  19. Jeff Beck's birthday: On June 24th, 1944, Jeff Beck, the influential English rock guitarist, was born. A founding member of The Yardbirds and an accomplished solo artist, Beck has inspired countless guitarists throughout his career and is ranked as one of the greatest guitarists of all time.
  20. Discovery of fossils in the Burgess Shale: On June 24th, 1909, the Burgess Shale, a famous fossil site in Canada's Rocky Mountains, was discovered by paleontologist Charles Walcott. The fossils found within this site represent a diverse range of Cambrian-aged marine life and have led to groundbreaking insights into the evolution of complex organisms.
  21. Ambrose Bierce disappears: On June 24th, 1913, American writer Ambrose Bierce vanished without a trace after crossing the Mexican border to join Pancho Villa's army during the Mexican Revolution. Despite numerous theories, the circumstances of his disappearance remain unknown.
  22. Battle of Carabobo Day (Venezuela): June 24th marks the Battle of Carabobo Day in Venezuela, a national holiday celebrating the decisive victory of Simón Bolívar's army against the Spanish Empire in 1821. This battle ultimately led to Venezuela gaining its independence from Spain.
  23. Formation of the Women’s Army Corps: On June 24th, 1943, the Women's Army Corps (WAC) was created as an official branch of the United States Army. Initially formed during World War II, the WAC allowed women to serve in various non-combat roles, such as clerks, switchboard operators, and mechanics.
  24. Roy Disney’s birthday: Born on June 24th, 1893, Roy O. Disney played an essential role in the creation of Disney alongside his brother, Walt Disney. Roy handled the business side of the company and was instrumental in its growth and success.
  25. St. Jean Baptiste Day (Quebec, Canada): On June 24th, the province of Quebec, Canada, celebrates St. Jean Baptiste Day, a day dedicated to the patron saint of French Canada. This public holiday is celebrated with parades, concerts, and fireworks to showcase Quebec's culture and traditions.
  26. Jack Dempsey’s birthday: On June 24th, 1895, Jack Dempsey, an American professional boxer, was born. Known as the “Manassa Mauler,” Dempsey held the world heavyweight title from 1919 to 1926 and was one of the most popular sports figures of his time.
  27. First Impressions and the birth of Pride and Prejudice: On June 24th, 1797, Jane Austen's novel First Impressions, which would later become Pride and Prejudice, was completed. Though initially rejected by publishers, Pride and Prejudice is now one of the most beloved and enduring works of English literature.