30 fun facts for July, 1

Discover dozens of fun facts for this special day. Read the summary for a quick recap on what happened.
July 1 is a day of many important events, including the formation of Canada, the start of the Tour de France, and even the release of the first Sony Walkman. National holidays, such as Canada Day and International Joke Day, along with more serious events like the Battle of Somme or the founding of the Federal Communications Commission, make July 1 a day to remember.
30 Fun facts
  1. On July 1, 1867, the British North America Act united the provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick, creating the Dominion of Canada. This day is now celebrated as Canada Day, the country's national holiday.
  2. July 1, 1874, marks the beginning of the first performance of Richard Wagner's opera, "Der Ring des Nibelungen," a monumental work and a significant event in the world of opera and classical music, at Bayreuth Festspielhaus in Germany.
  3. The United States Post Office started its first Rural Free Delivery mail service on July 1, 1896.
  4. On July 1, 1903, the first edition of the cycling race "Tour de France" began. It's still considered one of the most prominent annual cycling events in the world.
  5. July 1, 1916, marks the first day of the Battle of the Somme in World War I. It was one of the largest and bloodiest battles, fought between the British and German armies.
  6. On July 1, 1960, Ghana became a republic, breaking ties with Britain and electing Kwame Nkrumah as its first president.
  7. July 1 is International Joke Day, a day to share and enjoy jokes to bring happiness and laughter to others.
  8. July 1 is International Tartan Day, a day to celebrate Scottish heritage and the famous pattern.
  9. On July 1, 1979, Sony released the first-ever Walkman, revolutionizing the way people listened to music on the go.
  10. July 1 is National Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day in the United States, encouraging people to try out new and unique ice cream flavors.
  11. On July 1, 1997, Hong Kong was handed back to China after 156 years of British rule, becoming a Special Administrative Region of China.
  12. July 1, 1862, President Lincoln signed the Pacific Railway Act, initiating the construction of the First Transcontinental Railroad in the United States.
  13. On July 1, 1963, zip codes were introduced in the United States Postal Service for more efficient mail sorting and delivery.
  14. July 1 is National Postal Worker Day in the United States, a day to appreciate postal workers for their dedicated service.
  15. July 1 is considered the halfway point of the year.
  16. On July 1, 2004, Saturn's moon, Titan, was discovered to have an atmosphere by the Cassini-Huygens mission.
  17. July 1 is National Doctor's Day in India, celebrating and honoring the contributions made by doctors to society.
  18. On July 1, 1958, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) started Canada's first television broadcasting network.
  19. July 1, 1941, marks the first commercial television broadcast, recorded by WNBT in New York.
  20. On July 1, 2000, Vermont became the first U.S. state to legalize civil unions for same-sex couples.
  21. July 1 marks the beginning of National Blueberry Month in the United States, celebrating the harvest of blueberries and promoting their health benefits.
  22. UNESCO World Heritage Sites receive their official status on July 1.
  23. On July 1, 1934, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) was established to regulate interstate communication by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable in the United States.
  24. July 1 is "Fiscal New Year" for many countries, as it's the start of the new fiscal year for budget planning purposes.
  25. On July 1, 2005, the first video was uploaded on YouTube, a video titled "Me at the zoo."
  26. Rwanda celebrates its Independence Day on July 1, commemorating its break from Belgian rule in 1962.
  27. On July 1, 1968, the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty was signed by representatives of 62 countries, aimed at preventing the spread of nuclear weapons technology.
  28. July 1, 1908, marked the start of SOS as the international Morse code distress signal, replacing the earlier signal, CQD.
  29. July 1 is National Gingersnap Day in the United States, a day dedicated to celebrating the popular ginger-flavored cookie.
  30. On July 1, 1972, the first Gay Pride March took place in London, marking the beginning of annual LGBTQ+ pride events in the city.