29 fun facts for June, 8

Discover dozens of fun facts for this special day. Read the summary for a quick recap on what happened.
June 8 is filled with historical milestones, notable figures, and celebrations, such as the introduction of the U.S. Bill of Rights, the launch of NASA's Project Mercury, and the establishment of the UK's National Health Service. Not only does June 8 celebrate international events like World Oceans Day, but it also marks the release of movies, music, and groundbreaking inventions in various fields.
29 Fun facts
  1. On June 8, 1789, James Madison introduced the proposed Bill of Rights to the United States Congress, which established individual rights and limited the power of the federal government.
  2. June 8 is World Oceans Day, a global event that promotes the protection and sustainable management of the world's oceans.
  3. On June 8, 1959, the United States launched Project Mercury, the first human spaceflight program by NASA. The program aimed at putting a man into Earth's orbit and ensuring safe return.
  4. On June 8, 1948, the first Porsche automobile, the Porsche 356, was road certified. Designed by Ferdinand Porsche, it marked the beginning of the company's iconic car manufacturing.
  5. In the UK, June 8 celebrates National Best Friends Day, encouraging people to appreciate and honor their closest friends.
  6. June 8 is National Gin Day in the United States, a day to celebrate the popular distilled spirit made from juniper berries.
  7. On June 8, 1949, George Orwell's dystopian novel "1984" was published, which explores issues of government surveillance, censorship, and totalitarian control.
  8. On June 8, 1915, William Jennings Bryan stepped down as the U.S. Secretary of State. He objected to President Woodrow Wilson's pro-British stance during World War I.
  9. On June 8, 1966, the Topeka Tornado struck Topeka, Kansas, causing widespread devastation, 17 deaths, and overruling the city's previous "tornado-free" belief.
  10. On June 8, 1887, Herman Hollerith patented his Electric Tabulating System. It later formed the core of IBM's history and growth, revolutionizing data processing and computing.
  11. On June 8, 1978, Naomi James became the first woman to sail solo around the world via the Cape Horn route. Her journey took 152 days and significantly challenged gender stereotypes at the time.
  12. June 8 is National Upsy Daisy Day in the United States, a day designed to encourage people to face their day with a positive attitude and cheerful disposition.
  13. In the world of sports, June 8, 1969, marked the first International Women's Invitational Wheelchair Games at Stoke Mandeville Stadium, Buckinghamshire, UK, encouraging the growth of wheelchair sports for women.
  14. In 2013, June 8 witnessed the first "Rolling Stones" concert held in Israel, as part of their "50 and Counting" European Tour, which celebrated the 50th anniversary of the band's formation.
  15. On June 8, 1988, composer Leonard Bernstein conducted his last performance with the New York Philharmonic at the United Nations General Assembly.
  16. On June 8, 1948, the National Health Service (NHS) was founded in the United Kingdom, providing free healthcare to British citizens for the first time.
  17. On June 8, 1954, Swedish engineer Nils Bohlin patented the three-point seatbelt, saving millions of lives around the world by making vehicles safer.
  18. June 8, 2018, marked the celebration of Tony Awards, when the hit Broadway musical "The Band's Visit" won ten awards, including Best Musical and Best Original Score.
  19. On June 8, 2000, the famous Stonehenge site in England was declared as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, recognizing its immense cultural, historical, and environmental significance.
  20. On June 8, 1942, Bing Crosby recorded his iconic rendition of "White Christmas," which later became the best-selling single in history.
  21. On June 8, 1995, Rasmus Lerdorf release PHP, a popular server-side scripting language used today for web development.
  22. June 8 is celebrated as Name Your Poison Day, encouraging people to make decisions, face their fears, and accept the consequences.
  23. On June 8, 1968, the funeral of assassinated U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy was held at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City.
  24. French film actress Geneviève Page was born on June 8, 1927, known for her roles in international films such as "Belle de Jour" and "Grand Prix."
  25. On June 8, 641, Chinese scholar and politician Kibi no Makibi was born. He played a vital role in the ancient China-Japan cultural exchange.
  26. On June 8, 1982, the sci-fi film "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial" directed by Steven Spielberg premiered in Los Angeles, making it one of the most successful films in history.
  27. On June 8, 1975, the Soviet Venera 9 probe was launched towards Venus, becoming the first spacecraft to orbit another planet and return data.
  28. June 8, 2007, marked the release of the hit animation movie "Surf's Up," telling the story of surfing penguins and their adventures in competing at the Big Z Memorial Surf Off.
  29. June 8, 2014, was the wedding day of famous American rapper Kanye West and reality TV star Kim Kardashian, at the Forte di Belvedere in Florence, Italy.