25 fun facts for May, 20

Discover dozens of fun facts for this special day. Read the summary for a quick recap on what happened.
May 20th is a significant day in history, recognized for innovations in technology and undeterred milestones in the aviation industry. Notable events include the patent approval for blue jeans, Amelia Earhart and Charles Lindbergh's solo transatlantic flights, and the first images sent back from the Hubble Space Telescope. This day marks multiple political events and national days around the world, upholding the spirit of progress and unity.
25 Fun facts
  1. May 20th, 1873: Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis receive a patent for their blue jeans invention, the first pair of rugged work pants with copper rivets, originally designed for laborers and miners, now a universally iconic piece of clothing.
  2. May 20th, 1882: The Triple Alliance is formed between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy, a powerful military and political alliance that would last until 1915 when Italy switched sides to join the Allies in World War I.
  3. May 20th, also known as World Bee Day, raises awareness about the essential role bees and other pollinators play in maintaining the earth's ecosystems, starting in 2018 and supported by the United Nations General Assembly.
  4. May 20th, 1939: Pan American Airways begins its first regular transatlantic passenger service, commencing flights between New York and Marseilles, France, ushering in a new era of long-distance air travel.
  5. May 20th, 1932: Amelia Earhart departs from Newfoundland, Canada, in a Lockheed Vega 5B, becoming the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean, paving the way for future female aviators and inspiring generations of women to pursue their dreams.
  6. May 20th, 1990: The Hubble Space Telescope sends back its first images of space, providing astronomers and researchers with unprecedented views of remote celestial objects, thus revolutionizing our understanding of the universe.
  7. May 20th, 1927: Charles Lindbergh takes off from Roosevelt Field on Long Island, New York, in the Spirit of St. Louis, embarking on the first solo, nonstop transatlantic flight in history, a feat that would make him an international hero and symbol of innovation.
  8. May 20th, 1521: Ignatius of Loyola is severely injured during the Battle of Pampeluna, leading him to experience a spiritual transformation that would ultimately result in the founding of the Society of Jesus, more commonly known as the Jesuits.
  9. May 20th, Cameroon's National Day marks the reunification of British Southern Cameroons and the Republic of Cameroon, celebrated with parades, speeches, and cultural events that showcase the country's rich history and diversity.
  10. May 20th, 1971: The Sinai Peninsula is occupied by Israel following the Six-Day War, setting the stage for a prolonged diplomatic dispute with Egypt, which would eventually be resolved with the signing of the Camp David Accords in 1978.
  11. May 20th, 1926: The Railway Labor Act is signed into law by President Calvin Coolidge, granting railway employees the right to organize and bargain collectively, setting an important precedent for future labor legislation in the United States.
  12. May 20th, 1902: Cuba becomes an independent republic after years of Spanish rule and US military occupation, a development largely achieved through the efforts of Cuban revolutionary and independence leader Jose Marti.
  13. May 20th, 1985: Radio Marti begins broadcasting from Miami to Cuba, promoting democracy, freedom of the press, and other American values, while providing an alternative to strictly controlled state-run media in Cuba.
  14. May 20th, 1891: The first public demonstration of Thomas Edison's prototype kinetoscope takes place, providing a preview of the movie projector and igniting widespread interest in motion pictures, setting the stage for the birth of the film industry.
  15. May 20th, 1996: Gay and lesbian rights receive a boost when the US Supreme Court, ruling in Romer v. Evans, strikes down a Colorado constitutional amendment that prohibited laws protecting homosexual individuals from discrimination.
  16. May 20th, 1506: The explorer Christopher Columbus dies, leaving behind an enduring legacy of having discovered the New World, despite the controversies that have arisen over his treatment of native populations.
  17. May 20th, North Korea's Party Foundation Day, commemorates the founding of the Worker's Party of Korea, one of the most important political organizations in the country, with widespread celebratory events and military parades.
  18. May 20th, 1802: French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte signs a decree to re-establish slavery in the French colonies, reversing a previous decision made during the French Revolution to abolish the practice.
  19. May 20th, 1940: The first prisoners arrive at Auschwitz, a network of concentration and extermination camps operated by Nazi Germany, which would ultimately result in the deaths of over a million individuals, mainly Jews.
  20. May 20th, 1995: The Dow Jones Industrial Average closes above 5,000 for the first time in its history, signaling a growing US economy and reflecting a period of sustained economic expansion throughout the 1990s.
  21. May 20th, 2002: East Timor (Timor-Leste) gains independence after decades of Indonesian rule, becoming one of the youngest nations in the world and culminating in a long struggle for self-determination.
  22. May 20th, 1856: Henrietta Swan Leavitt, an American astronomer who discovered the relationship between the intrinsic brightness of Cepheid variable stars and their period of variability, was born. Her work contributed significantly to our understanding of the universe and aided in the development of the Hubble Law.
  23. May 20th, 1916: The Saturday Evening Post publishes its first cover featuring a painting by Norman Rockwell, an American artist whose depictions of everyday life and culture would become iconic and cherished throughout the 20th century.
  24. May 20th is National Rescue Dog Day in the United States, promoting the adoption of rescues instead of purchasing dogs from breeders, and recognizing the joy and companionship these pets can bring into our lives.
  25. May 20th, 1999: Ireland approves the Good Friday Agreement, a landmark accord aimed at ending decades of sectarian violence in Northern Ireland, in a critical milestone for peace in the region.