25 fun facts for December, 26

Discover dozens of fun facts for this special day. Read the summary for a quick recap on what happened.
From groundbreaking scientific discoveries, the beginnings of popular holidays like Boxing Day, to the opening night of "Cats" on London's West End, December 26 has been a day of historical significance across the globe. Celebrate St. Stephen's feast day, National Candy Cane Day in the US, and the anniversaries of beloved figures like Charles Darwin and Charles Mingus.
25 Fun facts
  1. On December 26, 1825, Roman Catholic secret society the Decembrist Revolt began in Russia. It was an uprising against Tsar Nicholas I and stemmed from a desire for constitutional reform.
  2. December 26, 1862, marked the largest mass execution in US history when 38 Dakota (Sioux) Native Americans were hanged in Mankato, Minnesota, after being found guilty of participating in the Dakota Uprising.
  3. Charles Babbage, the inventor of the first mechanical computer, was born on December 26, 1791. His creations laid the foundation for modern computers as we know them today.
  4. Boxing Day, observed on December 26th in several countries, began in the UK in the early 19th century. The holiday was initially established as a day to give gifts to the less fortunate and continues to be celebrated as an extension of the Christmas season.
  5. December 26 is National Candy Cane Day in the United States, celebrating the popular holiday candy that dates back to the 17th century in Germany.
  6. On December 26, 2004, a magnitude 9.1–9.3 earthquake triggered a series of devastating tsunamis across Southeast Asia, killing over 227,000 people in 14 countries.
  7. December 26th is also the Feast of St. Stephen, the first Christian martyr who was stoned to death for his beliefs. This day is primarily celebrated in the Eastern Orthodox Church.
  8. On this day in 1898, Marie and Pierre Curie announced the discovery of radium, a groundbreaking find that would eventually lead to cancer treatments and modern x-ray technology.
  9. In the years following the American Civil War, December 26 became known as "Decoration Day" in some southern states. People would remember fallen soldiers by decorating their graves with flowers.
  10. On December 26, 1982, the popular musical theater production "Cats" by Andrew Lloyd Webber opened in London's West End, where it captivated audiences until 2002.
  11. December 26, 1966, marked the founding of the first Kwanzaa by Dr. Maulana Karenga, an African-American celebration of culture and unity that lasts seven days.
  12. Richard Nixon, a future US President, married Pat Ryan on December 26, 1940. They remained married until her death in 1993.
  13. On December 26, 1973, the film adaptation of William Peter Blatty's best-selling novel, The Exorcist, was released in theaters. The movie became a pop culture sensation and garnered ten Academy Award nominations.
  14. The first recorded instance of baseball being played in Australia took place on December 26th, 1858, marking the beginning of the sport's popularity in the country.
  15. December 26, 1991, saw the dissolution of the Soviet Union after Russian President Boris Yeltsin announced Russia would no longer be a part of the USSR.
  16. On December 26, 1933, Japanese automaker Nissan was founded, originally named "Jidosha-Seizo Kabushiki-Kaisha". It later changed its name to Nissan in 1934.
  17. In 1995, Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association designated December 26 as National Whiners Day to discourage people from dwelling on the negative aspects of their lives.
  18. Charles Darwin began his legendary voyage on the HMS Beagle on December 26, 1831, a journey that would lead to the development of his groundbreaking theory of evolution.
  19. December 26, 1956, saw the premiere of The Price is Right TV game show, a program that has since become a beloved and enduring staple of American television.
  20. Legendary jazz musician Charles Mingus was born on December 26, 1922. He would go on to become a key figure in the development of modern jazz through his innovative compositions and performance style.
  21. In 1941, December 26 was declared a public holiday in America due to the effects of World War II. This allowed for a brief period of rest and recovery for the nation.
  22. Australian cricket legend, Shane Warne, was born on December 26, 1969. Warne is widely considered one of the greatest bowlers in the history of cricket.
  23. On December 26, 1917, the first US President's mother, Mary Ball Washington, was born. She played a critical role in shaping the life and values of George Washington.
  24. English football club Arsenal was renamed from "Dial Square" to "Woolwich Arsenal" on December 26, 1886, before eventually becoming "Arsenal" in 1914.
  25. On December 26, 2015, Chinese authorities doggedly eliminated all search results of the famous Beijing parody artist Papi Jiang after she made a satirical video mocking televised revolutionary dramas.