How to import birthdays in bulk via an excel spreadsheet ?

If you want to set birthdays in bulk, go into the bot's profile in Slack > Home tab then click on Import Birthdays. The spreadsheet template will be sent to you via a Slack message. You can then fill-in this file and then upload it again in the same conversation.

Ready to welcome Billy in your workspace?

Available on slackSlack and teams Microsoft Teams
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Birthday and work anniversary messages
Celebrate birthdays and work anniversaries of your coworkers.
Fun & Customizable Copywriting
Billy posts warm and fun messages. You can choose to include GIFs or to customize each celebration.
Opt-out option
Anyone can opt-out from birthdays or work anniversaries if they don't want to be celebrated.
Week-end management
When birthdays happen on week-ends, you can choose to delay the message on the next Monday or to celebrate on Friday.
 Add manual public holidays
List of upcoming events
See next events and search for anyone's birthday.
Auto-collection of dates
Billy can reach out to your colleagues to collect their birth dates.
Spreadsheet bulk import
You can import people's dates inside a spreadsheet that we provide.
Private channels
Billy can be added to any public or private channels.
Buddies reminders
Be notified in advance for birthdays and work anniversaries.