21 fun facts for March, 10

Discover dozens of fun facts for this special day. Read the summary for a quick recap on what happened.
March 10th is a day of exciting events and milestones, from Alexander Graham Bell's patenting of the telephone to the publication of "The Cat in the Hat" and the release of Destiny's Child's album "Survivor." The day also commemorates social movements, such as the abolition of slavery in China and the Tibetan Uprising Day.
21 Fun facts
  1. March 10th is celebrated as National Pack Your Lunch Day in the United States, a day to encourage people to start pre-packing their lunch, promoting healthier meal options and saving money by skipping the cafeteria or restaurant.
  2. In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell officially patented the telephone, which revolutionized communication and laid the foundation for the modern communication industry, all on March 10th.
  3. The Bank of England (BOE), one of the world's oldest and most influential central banks, was officially founded on March 10, 1694. As an influential institution, it continues to play a major role in financial matters.
  4. The Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was born on March 10th in 1934. He became the first human to journey into space on April 12, 1961, aboard the Vostok 1.
  5. On March 10, 1933, the Long Beach earthquake struck the United States, affecting more than 120,000 people and causing around $40 million in damages at the time. This 6.4 magnitude earthquake led to improvements in California’s building codes.
  6. On March 10th, Tibet celebrates the Tibetan Uprising Day, commemorating the 1959 Tibetan rebellion against the Chinese rule. Tibetans worldwide show their support for the Tibetan cause in various ways, including protests and raising awareness.
  7. Zimbabwe's National Heroes' Day is celebrated annually on March 10th, commemorating the sacrifices and bravery of those who fought for independence from colonial rule.
  8. The spinning-frame, one of the essential inventions in the textiles field invented by Richard Arkwright, was patented on March 10, 1768. The invention transformed the production of cotton, expediting the process and playing a pivotal role in the industrial revolution.
  9. The classic children's book "The Cat in the Hat" by Dr. Seuss was published on March 10, 1957. The book, which became an enduring classic, helped spark young readers' imaginations and interest in reading.
  10. The United States reacted to the Soviet Union's involvement in Afghanistan with an embargo on grain sales on March 10, 1980. This move signaled the worsening of diplomatic relations between the two superpowers during the Cold War.
  11. Microsoft officially announced the appointment of Satya Nadella as its new CEO on March 10, 2014, succeeding Steve Ballmer. Nadella became the third CEO in Microsoft's history.
  12. Italian author Mario Puzo's famous novel "The Godfather" was first published on March 10, 1969. The crime novel went on to inspire a highly successful film trilogy directed by Francis Ford Coppola.
  13. American girl group Destiny's Child released their third studio album, "Survivor," on March 10, 2001, which went on to achieve international success and solidified the group's reputation in the music industry.
  14. The phrase "speak softly and carry a big stick," associated with Theodore Roosevelt's approach to foreign policy, made its first appearance in print on March 10, 1901.
  15. The world’s first dollar-denominated government bond issued outside the United States—“The Yankee Bond”—was issued by the Japanese government on March 10, 1960.
  16. The first Ford Mustang, a highly popular and iconic car, rolled off the assembly line on March 10, 1964. The Mustang became an instant hit and an enduring symbol of American motoring.
  17. On March 10, 1995, the European Space Agency launched its Infrared Space Observatory, conducting groundbreaking research in infrared astronomy and creating several discoveries, including data on supermassive black holes and the nature of galaxies.
  18. France adopted the current French flag's design on March 10, 1794, during the French Revolution. The flag is one of the most recognized national symbols worldwide.
  19. On March 10, 1910, the Chinese government officially abolished slavery, a major step in Chinese society and history.
  20. The Bayer Company first introduced aspirin, an effective painkiller, under the trademark "Bayer" on March 10, 1899. This groundbreaking drug has since become a staple in households worldwide.
  21. On March 10, 2008, New York Governor Eliot Spitzer was officially implicated in a prostitution scandal, leading to his resignation and altering the political landscape in the United States.